(47) November 7-9, 2023: "Bitcoin Offshoring - Be Your Own Offshore Bank" at Adopting Bitcoin Conference, San Salvador, El Salvador
(46) May 3, 2023: "Modern Digital Asset Protection Strategies" at the IP and Legal Convex Conference, Dubai, UAE
(45) April 26, 2023: "The Urgent Need for Crypto Offshoring" at the World Business Growth Conference, Dubai, UAE
2019: (44) Agrifuture Conference and Exhibition Asia: Panel discussion "Vertical farming - the future of Asia's food security. From vertical farming to Agrifactory Ventures". Bangkok December 2019, (43) 2nd International Conference on Food, Agriculture, Horticulture and Aquaculture, Thai coordinator and organizing committee member (OCM) keynote speaker "Thailand’s superfood and the legal and regulatory framework". Bangkok November 2019, (42) Solar & Energy Storage Briefing Thailand: Panel discussion "The main drivers of Thailand’s solar industry and how to strengthen them sustainably". Bangkok October 2019, (41) Mergers & Acquisitions Conference: Keynote speaker "Ensuring smooth flowing deals and a successful business integration. The acquisition of a Thai company". Bangkok October 2019, (40) BOI Investment Conference 2019. Investment seminar on "How to do business in Thailand and Spain”. Keynote speaker "Outbound foreign direct investment opportunities for Thailand’s industry". Bangkok May 2019, (39) Bangkok Blockchain Summit 2019: Keynote presentation "Thailand's regulated ICO - advantages, requirements, risks". Bangkok February 2019.
2018: (38) Bangkok Plant Science Congress, World Congress on Agriculture, Plant Science and Genomics: Speaker and chairman of the organizing committee, Bangkok December 2018, (37) International conference on blockchain, cryptocurrencies aond digital assets: Lecture about the regulatory framework for digital asset exchange, ICO, mining and others in Thailand. Hyderabad, India, September 2018.
2016: (36) 6th PPPs In Emerging Markets Conference: Speaker and panelist on Transport, Energy & Power, Healthcare, Water & Waste, Schools and Economic Infrastructure such as Free Trade Zones, Sea & Air Ports. Bangkok July 2016, (35) Project Finance Thailand Conference: Conference chairman and speaker on “Attracting foreign investments to capitalize on new sources of long term financing and accelerate project implementation”, panelist moderator on “ASEAN integration and regulations, opportunities and challenges of infrastructure projects in the region” and panelist on “Overcoming project finance challenges in renewable energy in Asia”. Bangkok March 2016.
2015: (34) Asia Offshore Summit, 2nd annual forum of the Asia Offshore Association: Keynote speech "Foreign direct investment in Thailand and foreign disinvestments to offshore. Escape to Southeast Asia. Thailand as a safe haven jurisdiction. Regulatory requirements and smart strategies”. Bangkok June 2015, (33) 4th PPPs in emerging markets conference: Chairman and panelist "Public-private partnership opportunities for foreign investors in Thailand". Bangkok June 2015.
2014: (32) Solar Power Asia Conference: Conference Chairman, Panelist, Legal Work Shop Leader “Legal frameworks and solar investments in ASEAN". Singapore August 2014, (31) Land & Property Law Conference: Keynote on legal and tax aspects of real estate investments. Bangkok February 2014.
2013: (30) Thailand Real Estate Investment & Property Law Conference: Keynote on foreign ownership restrictions in Thailand. Bangkok September 2013, (29) Myanmar Power & Electricity Summit: Conference Chairman, Speaker “Good and bad experiences from Thailand – applicable to the Myanmar power & electricity markets. Yangon, Myanmar, June 2013.
2012: (28) Thai Tax Regulatory Updates & Efficient Tax Planning Conference, Bangkok June 2012
2011: (27) Real Estate Investment & Law Updates Thailand Conference. Bangkok February 2011, (26) Project Financing Conference: Focusing on Energy & Infrastructure. Speaker “Risk Allocation and Incentive Schemes in a Public Private Partnership”. Bangkok March 2011
2007: (25) Contract Risk Management Conference: Speaker “The risk management of long term financings – legal, financial and technical aspects: Risk inventory of a complex financing contract. Risk policy as a key aspect of the risk analysis. Risk evaluation: How to handle incident rates, amount of contractual damages and sensitivities Risk steering and crisis management: Getting risks done The art of risk communication: How to establish a risk management cockpit.” Bangkok September 2007
2005: (24) Private Partnerships and Rail 2005, 4th Annual PPP/PFI Conference am 10./11. October 2005 in London: (23) High-Speed Developments in PPP and Rail; 10. IIR-Kongress CITOP 2005 am 28./29. September 2005 in Berlin.
2004: (22) Kaufen, leasen oder mieten? Innovative Finanzierungsformen in der Fahrzeugbeschaffung; (21) 14. Annual International Rail Finance Conference, November 2004 in Berlin; (20) 9th Annual Big Ticket Leasing Convention: Legal/Advisory Roundtable across Europe, 8th – 10th March 2004 in London; (19) ManagementCircle Seminar Rechts-Praxis für Banken: Financial Covenants – Risikovermeidung durch klare Zielvorgaben an Kreditnehmer on February 17, 2004 in Frankfurt/Main and am 16. March 2004 in Berlin; (18) ÖPNV Finanzierung im Jahr eins nach dem EuGH-Urteil am January 27./28. 2004 in Düsseldorf.
2003: (17) Cross-Border-Leasing: Grundzüge der Vertragsgestaltung, Qualitätsanforderungen, Konfliktstoff, Privatisierungsmanagement, Altmark Trans, Risikomanagement; Euroforum-Konferenz zu U.S. Cross-Border-Leasing am 4. June 2003 in Berlin, Wirtschaftliche Aspekte; (16) ManagementCircle Intensivseminar: Financial Covenants on June 23, 2003 in Munich, on July 17, 2003 in Frankfurt am Main and on July 29, 2003 in Cologne.
2002: (15) ManagementCircle Seminar, Effiziente Finanzierung durch Leasing: Cross-Border-Leasing am May 27./28. 2002 in Munich, (14) 12./13. June 2002 in Düsseldorf and 27./28. June 2002 in Frankfurt, (13) U.S. Cross Border Leasing: Chancen and Risiken einer außergewöhnlichen Gestaltung – wirtschaftliche Aspekte der Verhandlung von langfristigen Finanzierungsverträgen; (12) 7th Annual Big Ticket Leasing Convention vom 11. bis 13. March 2002 in London, The Future of Cross-Border-Leasing in Germany; (11) IIR-Konferenz Asset Backed Securities: ABS für Eigenbetrieb and Eigengesellschaft – Verbriefung von Forderungen als kommunale Zusatzfinanzierung, vom 30. January bis 1. February 2002 in Düsseldorf.
2001: (10) 11th Annual International Rail Finance Conference in London; (9) Fifth Annual European Cross-Border-Leasing & Structured Finance Conference: Opportunities and Current Developments for Inbound Cross-Border-Leasing in Germany – Municipality Viewpoint, in Paris; (8) 6th Big Ticket Leasing Convention: The Future of Cross-Border-Leasing in Germany, am 7 bis 9. March 2001 in London.
2000: (7) U.S. Sonderfinanzierung – ein Modell für Kommunen? in Böblingen; DaimlerChrysler Finanzierungsforum 2000 – Aktuelle Formen deutsch-amerikanischer Finanzierungslösungen in Berlin;
1999: (6) ManagementCircle Seminar: Erfolgreiche Privatisierung öffentlicher Unternehmen: Durchsetzung der kommunalen Interessen durch aktive Führung beim Privatisierungsprozeß, am 8./9. December 1999 in Berlin.
1998: (5) Cross-Border and Kommunalleasing in Deutschland, AIC International in Frankfurt/Main; Management Kolleg Heidelberg.
1994: (4) Kauf and Verkauf von Unternehmen am 21. November 1994 in Frankfurt; (3) VDI Bildungswerk, Chefseminar Kauf and Verkauf technischer Unternehmen, 20. September 1994 in Düsseldorf.
1993: (2) VDI Bildungswerk, Partnerschaft and Nachfolgeregelung für Ingenieure am 22. November 1993 in Düsseldorf; (1) VDI Bildungswerk, Chefseminar Kauf and Verkauf technischer Unternehmen, 28. September 1993 in Düsseldorf.